Two exclusives Sony fanboys have anticipated over the past two years are Uncharted 4 and The Last Guardian. Whether both games are scheduled to hit the PS4 in the near future remains unknown, though industry insider Thuway predicts we’ll see each IP on the next-gen console. In addition, Thuway claims to have other info confirming more reveals including new footage of DriveClub, a new Guerilla IP, and new games for Sony’s rumored PS4 headset.
Thuway touched on the Uncharted sequel via Twitter page: “Next Uncharted will have fidelity in gameplay that is comparable to cutscenes in The Last Of Us. Something also about a boat.” Sony’s gone on to state The Last Guardian is of no priority at the moment, but still under development, though no word was given as to which console it will appear on. It’s also worth nothing Thuway’s track record with predictions is 50/50, so take the report with a grain of salt if you must.
We’ll stay on the lookout for all these announcements heading into E3 2014.
Related: The Last Guardian is Still Alive, But Not A Priority for Sony
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