Words by Angelina Montanez
January remains the slowest time of the year for video games, especially on the console front. Granted we did see one huge release in the remake of Devil May Cry. Still, that’s not enough to fulfill our satiable gaming appetite. But with the mobile gaming market continue to surge, we’re constantly seeing new titles hitting the Apple App Market and Google Play on a weekly basis. And not these half-ass ports we’ve become accustomed to in the past. We’re talking games capable of showcasing the power and graphics prowess best demonstrated on today’s more powerful systems.
With so many games flooding the market, it’s pretty hard to choose which ones to play, especially if it requires breaking into your wallet. So we narrowed down to selection and assembled this compilation of the 10 best mobile games to hit the scene this past month. From puzzlers to shooters (which we recommend playing with the awesome MOGA controller), there’s something here for everyone.
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