Sprint »

HTC One Max Coming to Sprint This Friday

HTC One Max Coming to Sprint This Friday

evolveteam November 13, 2013 2

The phablet of all phablets is coming to the Now Network

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HTC One Review

HTC One Review

evolveteam April 17, 2013 3

HTC's new flagship phone cleverly marks its spot on the Android chain, for now.

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BlackBerry Z10 Review

BlackBerry Z10 Review

evolveteam February 5, 2013 3

A month before its US launch, we take the first BlackBerry 10 device for a new test drive

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Analyst Says LTE iPhone Might Leave Sprint Bankrupt

Analyst Says LTE iPhone Might Leave Sprint Bankrupt

evolveteam March 20, 2012 0

The Now Network's gamble to bring Apple's handset over could lead to its mobile demise. See why one analyst attributes the LTE iPhone as Sprint's kryptonite

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The 25 Coolest Galaxy Nexus Boot Animations

The 25 Coolest Galaxy Nexus Boot Animations

evolveteam January 25, 2012 0

Not big on the Ice Cream Sandwich start-up animations? Here's 25 boot gems that'll definitely add some flash to your Galaxy Nexus display

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CES 2012: Sprint Announces LTE Galaxy Nexus With Google Wallet Support

CES 2012: Sprint Announces LTE Galaxy Nexus With Google Wallet Support

evolveteam January 9, 2012 0

Verizon's Android powerhouse joins the Now Network, with one major wireless addition: Google Wallet support. Read up on the goods featured in Sprint's LTE-enabled Galaxy Nexus

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iPhone 4S Pre-Orders Sell Out Across All Mobile Carriers

iPhone 4S Pre-Orders Sell Out Across All Mobile Carriers

evolveteam October 13, 2011 1

Surprise, surprise, Apple's new mobile phone is selling like hot cakes

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Apple Racks Up 1 Million iPhone 4S Pre-Orders In 24 Hours

Apple Racks Up 1 Million iPhone 4S Pre-Orders In 24 Hours

evolveteam October 10, 2011 0

Looks like the next-gen smartphone is more popular than anyone anticipated

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Sprint Switches Up 4G Service, Ditches WiMax For LTE

Sprint Switches Up 4G Service, Ditches WiMax For LTE

evolveteam October 7, 2011 0

The Now Network takes on a faster 4G service starting mid-

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