For months, we’ve been teased with talks of a premium Galaxy S5 variant, which was dubbed by the press as the GS5 Prime. Well, newsflash, such a device does exist, but won’t be go under the purported moniker. Instead, it will fall under a different name: the Samsung Galaxy Alpha. The long-rumored phone is supposedly ready to be shown in the coming weeks and is said to be gunning for the iPhone 6 this holiday season.
Now we have the first actual images of the device, which were leaked by Vietnamese tech site Tinhte. The Galaxy Alpha will supposedly fill the void between the GS5 and Galaxy Note 4, with a September release date being speculated at the moment. Suggested specs include a 2,560×1,440-pixel screen, 16MP camera, and 3GB of RAM. Other reports indicate the smartphone could feature the new quad-core Snapdragron 805 processor and the recently announced Android L OS.
Guess we’ll see when Samsung finally confirms the Galaxy Alpha sometime next month. Or so we hope.
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