8 Reasons Why Capcom Must Remake Resident Evil 2

evolveteam July 21, 2014 0

Fans are Already Remaking It

Italian-based developer Invader Games is currently working on the ponderously titled Resident Evil 2 Remake: Reborn HD, which will combine the character models and environments from the Raccoon City levels of The Darkside Chronicles with the over-the-shoulder gameplay style of RE4. Not for nothing, but what they created looks gorgeous. Invader Games plans to release it for free in December…assuming Capcom doesn’t send them a cease-and-desist letter before then. The existence of this project alone should tell Capcom that the time is right to release their own revamped version of RE2. After all, if fans want a new version so badly that they’re willing to create their own, expect them to drop $60 for an official redux.