Words by Argenys Colon
Audiophiles are all too familiar with Apple’s proprietary protocol suite known as AirPlay. You know, the Cupertino Clan’s very own wireless streaming technology that allows iFiends to stream audio, video, and photos to other devices. Granted the feature has become such a mainstream staple in how we receive our audio these days, in all serious, it freaking sucks that a majority of the top wireless media speakers on the market exclusively support it—leaving Android conformists to settle for what’s left on the market: that being Bluetooth sound blasters.
Well, thanks to the open-source haven known as Google Play, a number of developers have managed to build mobile applications capable of breaking through the AirPlay wall, offering us an alternative way to stream our iTunes library or Android music catalog on any compatible speaker system. Curious to see what’s out there? Tune your ears to the 10 Best AirPlay Android Apps To Download.
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