Sony Releases New The Order: 1886 Trailer and Announces Pre-Order Bonuses

evolveteam January 20, 2015 0

PS4 owners looking to stock up on more console exclusives most likely have The Order: 1886 on their radar. The Victorian-era shooter from Ready at Dawn has just been confirmed gold ahead of its initial February 20th release date. In celebration of the announcement, Sony has released a new trailer for the game announcing a number of pre-order bonuses.

Those who reserve the game will unlock The Knight’s Arsenal DLC, which includes alternate uniforms for Galahad and special weapon variations. The Red Lightning Pack features a Red Knight uniform and Arc Rifle Prototype that’s capable of firing “devastating bolts of red electricity,” where as the Arsonist Pack warrants the Black Knight uniform and Arsonist Rifle.

Another pre-order pack will supposedly be available exclusively through GameStop in the US. This would be the Knights Endurance Pack that includes the Desert Khaki Infiltration Field Uniform with Endless Blackwater and Blacksight Regeneration upgrades. Get your pre-order on PlayStation fanboys.