Days of Future Past hasn’t even hit theaters yet and all of its buzz has carried over to the ambiguously titled sequel, X-Men: Apocalypse, which was announced by long-time film series director Bryan Singer via Twitter. No one has any clue how the First Class follow-up will end (though one report has a good idea), but the hype surrounding an appearance of the immortal mutant god has every Marvel fanboy giddy as hell. In any case, at this very moment, we all have to fall back and appreciate what’s to come from Singer and company.
The WSJ actually sat down with two of franchise’s biggest stars who are returning for DOFT, Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart, to discuss a number of topics for the film from their thoughts on younger counterparts to whether this will be their last X-Men outing. Watch below and hear the duo’s thoughts.
Related: Bryan Singer Kills ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Rumor That Could Be Huge ‘DOFP’ Spoiler
Related: ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Pins JFK Assassination on Magneto
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