Eight years later, the sequel to Sin City is finally hitting the big screen. Miramax has just released a longer trailer for A Dame to Kill For, which will leave fans wondering whether or not the film will simply be “more of the same,” considering how much is revealed in the 2:25 preview. Expect to a number of surprises here as well.
Filmed in a noire-inspired manner, the film will portray scenes taken from the second book in the comic series. Though the dialogue comes across as forced. And although it features a cast that includes Jessica Alba, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Brolin, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, and several other A-listers, it seems as they though the filmmakers are pushing a little too hard to strike lightening in a bottle again.
Fans will have to trust Robert Rodriguez’s on this one. A Dame to Kill For is to hit theaters on August 22nd.
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For weaves together two of Frank Miller’s classic stories with new tales in which the town’s most hard boiled citizens cross paths with some of its more repulsive inhabitants. In Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, Dwight is hunted down by the only woman he ever loved, Ava Lord, and then watches his life go straight to hell. Chronologically, this story takes place prior to “The Big Fat Kill” (featured in the film Frank Miller’s Sin City) and explains how Dwight came to have a dramatically different face.
Related: Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller Already Thinking ‘Sin City 3′
Related: ‘Sin City: A Dame To Kill For’ Trailer Officially Premieres
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