With technology breaking in new areas of human interaction, why shouldn’t a smartphone have more human qualities? When looking at your smartphone’s address book, does it store just basic contact information? Or does it tell more about the person? The Humin app looks to enhance the mobile user experience by changing with the user through learning and predicting their habits.
“We thought it was time for people to really start making sense of relationships. How many times have you looked at your phone and said, ‘How do I even know this person?’” says Ankur Jain, the app’s creator.
A profile of each individual can be created, pulling info from various social media networking sites like Google, Facebook, and Linkedin. Lets say you met someone at a bar, get their number, and forget all about it the following day wondering who that new person is that’s just been stored in your phone. Humin will remember you were in the city last night at a bar and connects the recent mystery number to the possible “meet and greet” from the bar.
Instead of a Favorites List, Humin makes it possible to categorize contacts under a highlighting system based on relationship status. Which makes the search connections with new people through trusted sources easier. Hooked yet? Well right now the app has only initially been launched on iOS for company use, but will soon be taken the public and brought to the Android platform in a few weeks. There is even talk of the app breaking way with Google Glass.
Those interested in early access to the app can visit the company’s official website.
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