GlassUp Takes On Google Glass With Cost-Efficient Alternative

evolveteam July 17, 2013 1

Augmented reality glasses are becoming popular these days thanks to Google Glass. Only problem is the high-tech eyewear is expensive as sh*t, with the developer version costing about $1,500. In comes another competitor to give Google a run for its money. Italian company GlassUp just raised close to $25,000, with hopes of meeting its $150,000 goal in the next several weeks. The eyewear is compatible with smartphones and allows users to view emails, SMS, Facebook posts, and news updates.

The main attraction behind GlassUp isn’t its features set, but more so the price tag, which comes in at $400. Sadly, the downside behind the model is that it’s considered a “receive only” device, meaning you can’t respond to text messages and emails or take photos as well. Battery life is being estimated at about 150 hours on stand by mode. Worth the money or are you more inclined to break bank on Google Glass?


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