The 10 Biggest Criticisms of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reboot

evolveteam June 16, 2014 6

Teenage Mutant CGI Turtles

After looking at the trailer, the trained eye can definitely tell these are not the turtles fans have grown up with. When it comes to the central characters, Splinter looks okay and Shredder seems somewhat predictable in his “Turtle-hunting” attire. But what did the production team do to the turtles themselves? The actors playing the foursome will be given the CGI treatment via WETA Digital, which is the same company behind the visual effects of Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Though the quality of effects here looks somewhat lower than the company’s standards. Also, the design of the turtles is completely unexpected. Donnie is wearing bi-focals with some kind of technological enhancement, while some of the others are wearing clothes or armor of some kind; they actually look like ninjas…in turtle form…with weapons. This only suggests that the studio wishes to break away from their traditional look, for the sake of sprucing up the franchise a bit. Simply put, this doesn’t instill confidence in the fans.