If you haven’t caught wind of it yet, there is a new video demonstrating some amazing footage for EA’s upcoming shooter Battlefield 4. The visuals came from this year’s Gamescom expo, along with other EA community events. The guys at LevelCapGaming did everyone the huge big favor of uploading the video, which is almost 4 hours of raw uncut gameplay featuring the Paracel Storm map.
All Battlefield 4 gameplay is running on a high-end gaming PC. Here are some notes on a couple of interesting moments LevelCap pointed out in the description of their video:
9:22 – assist counts as kill
18:13 – a parrot chirps
20:50 – storm rolls in
27:30 – flashbang party
1:06:28 – whiteboy gets his revenge
1:25:40 – unfortunate teabag
2:46:45 – minigun vs scout heli
3:38:35 – UTS-15
Enjoy below!
Related: EA Opens Battlefield 4 Beta on October 1
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