The 10 Best Anime to Watch This Winter

evolveteam January 22, 2014 1

Witch Craft Works

Available: Crunchyroll
Takamiya is your typical high school student, nothing special at all. That is until one day when his life is in danger, Kagari, the high school “princess” who he sits next to everyday and ignores him, saves his life and reveals that’s she is a witch tasked with protecting him.

Silver Spoon 2

Available: Crunchyroll
The second season picks up on the story of Yugo Hachiken, who after failing to pass the entrance exams for his preferred school, flees the city and the harsh demands of his father and goes to hide out in the Yezo Agricultural High School. He soon learns that his assumptions of the easy life at Yezo have been misplaced.

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