The 10 Best Anime to Watch This Winter

evolveteam January 22, 2014 1


Available: Funimation
Yato is a lower level God facing financial troubles who is trying to build up his credibility and his billfold by offering a bargain on wishes. Hiyori is a well-meaning teenage MMA fan who gave up her own life to save Yato’s from a bus accident. Yato repaid the act by putting her soul back in her body, but for some reason it just won’t stay. The two now are bound to each other–Yato for his promise to help Hiyori get back to normal–Hiyori to help Yato build up his cred to find a way to help her.

Buddy Complex

Available: Funimation
The first day back to school from summer vacation is usually a bad day, but most people don’t have a huge mech with a grudge after them, unless you’re Aoba. A decent and nice guy, Aoba finds himself with a blood enemy from the future who has come back to get revenge and a female protector who takes him back to the future where he becomes a mech pilot. What a first day.

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