mark-zuckerberg »

10 Facebook Features That Failed Miserably

10 Facebook Features That Failed Miserably

evolveteam August 12, 2014 0

Zuckerberg and the FB gang need to get it together

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Tech CEOs and Their Douchiest Moments

Tech CEOs and Their Douchiest Moments

evolveteam August 11, 2014 1

Silicon Valley's biggest names

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Facebook Social Experiment May Have Violated Academic Research Laws

Facebook Social Experiment May Have Violated Academic Research Laws

evolveteam July 7, 2014 0

Any controversy hits the social network

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Facebook Takes Serious Heat for User Psychological Experimentation

Facebook Takes Serious Heat for User Psychological Experimentation

evolveteam June 30, 2014 0

Thousands of FBers aren't to happy right now

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So Yea, Instagram is Bringing Ads to Your News Feed

So Yea, Instagram is Bringing Ads to Your News Feed

evolveteam October 3, 2013 1

Zuckerberg's one sly fox, isn't he

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Samsung Rejects Mark Zuckerberg’s Plea to Make a Facebook Phone

Samsung Rejects Mark Zuckerberg’s Plea to Make a Facebook Phone

evolveteam June 19, 2013 1

So talks of a Facebook phone remain existent.

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5 Reasons to Check Out GIG-IT the Facebook Music Game

5 Reasons to Check Out GIG-IT the Facebook Music Game

evolveteam May 6, 2013 0

Facebook's new social game is sure to feed your music addiction this Spring

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The 25 Biggest Social Media Fails of 2012

The 25 Biggest Social Media Fails of 2012

evolveteam December 30, 2012 Comments Off on The 25 Biggest Social Media Fails of 2012

Watch what you post on the social media front in

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Facebook Suggests Don’t Use Words “Face,” “Poke,” and “Book” Or Else

Facebook Suggests Don’t Use Words “Face,” “Poke,” and “Book” Or Else

evolveteam March 28, 2012 2

You ask why? Simple: Trademark purposes. Read up on the latest Facebook guidelines we'll have to follow moving forward

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