New Halo 5: Guardians Beta Map to Be Released Tomorrow

evolveteam January 8, 2015 0
Halo 5 beta

Starting this Friday, 343 Industries is planning on releasing a brand new map to those players who have access to the Halo 5: Guardians beta. Players can cast their votes between now and then to decide which map they would prefer between the two maps known as Orion and Pegasus, with both maps having unique features about them. Orion is an asymmetrical stage with twin towers on opposite sides, which are loaded with various power weapons such as the energy sword, Sniper rifles and more.

Whereas the stage known as Pegasus has an extensive amount of straight shots, making it easier to spot opponents especially with the weapons on the map such as the rocket launcher and light rifle that will test players capabilities with ranged weapons. Both stages were made using a brand new map-editing tool known as Forge, which is stated to make its appearance in Halo 5,/em> this fall. So send in those votes now to see your favorite in the beta.