We reported yesterday afternoon that the addition of Chuck Norris to the cast brought some major changes to The Expendables 2, which may have resulted in the film’s rating change from “R” to “PG-13”. Hate to be the bearer of bad news for all you action fans, but it’s true. Harry Knowles over at AICN got the official confirmation from producer and star Sylvester Stallone:
“Harry, the film is fantastic with Van Damme turning in an inspired performance… Our final battle is one for the ages. The PG13 rumor is true, but before your readers pass judgement, trust me when I say this film is LARGE in every way and delivers on every level. This movie touches on many emotions which we want to share with the broadest audience possible, BUT, fear not, this Barbeque of Grand scale Ass Bashing will not leave anyone hungry…Sly”
Norris demanded producers of the film to change the rating due its strong language or else he would not be a part of the film. And Stallone caved in. Thanks Chuck. No really, thanks. Huge disappoint. Still lining up to see The Expendables 2 this August?