Today is August 25th. Or, what will become known as, remake day Tuesday.
Okay… the name needs a little work but that is the truth. Today, Dishonored Definitive Edition and Gears of War Ultimate Edition are being released. Two very well respected games on the previous gen-consoles are being brought back to gamers everywhere.
Along with those two releases, we get another Madden release with Madden NFL 16. We get Until Dawn. We get the Mega Man Legacy Collection.
All of these games are being released today which means we are starting to hit the post-gaming convention stride of the fall season. Next week we are being brought Metal Gear Solid V, which is getting rave reviews and we are being brought Mad Max which is being loved by fans of the movies.
All of this leads us to one final conclusion. ITS FINALLY FALL!
So get your wallets ready people, it is about to begin. This season we will see some great games released and some hopefully better server connections than last year.
The Halo hype is back along with the Assassin’s Creed fanboy return. Here it is Ubisoft and 343, your chance for redemption.
Game on!