DmC: Devil May Cry Review

evolveteam January 15, 2013 3
Devil May Cry Gameplay 2013


Our hero uses his powers and weaponry to fight against the baddies as he maneuvers through the dirty city of Limbo. Ninja Theory decided to use the Unreal 3 engine (a major complaint from fanboys at first), which helps the game run surprisingly smooth, especially with all the detailed environmental movement in the game. If you’re new to the series, I suggest you get familiar with executing and setting up combos because the more diverse you become, the higher your score will tally. Points are used to achieve upgrades for your weapons.

DmC will definitely keep you on your toes, as enemies are not like the ones we’ve encountered in pervious titles. Some are immune to different weapons, so they’ll attack you at once—meaning that learning combos and familiarizing yourself with weapons is a must if you plan on progressing in the games. That means button mashing won’t work this time around. Sorry!


Dante can perform combos at will with his sword, Rebellion, and shooting twin pistols, Ebony and Ivory. New to the series though are Dante’s new move sets known as Angel Mode and Devil Mode, which are activated by holding down one of the trigger buttons. Mother dearest has blessed the main character with Angel powers, providing Dante sword attacks that can be changed to Osiris: a speedy scythe-type weapon that resembles long ninja stars. Devil mode uses the slower, but more powerful Arbiter.

Both modes also alter Dante’s mobility. Using Angel allows Dante to pull himself towards enemies and various points in each level, while Devil mode lets Dante pull enemies and objects towards him. Players are also able to dash across large gaps in Angel mode as well. All of these moves can be used in conjunction with each other to perform massive combos, which are ranked on style. When enough power has been gathered, Dante can activate Devil Trigger mode, which slows down time. Now remember you have a short amount to work with when activating this mode, so do the damage you wish to inflict and do it quickly. Like previous games, Dante can collect various types of souls: all used to recover health, purchase items, and upgrade Dante’s moves.

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