Anne Hathaway called out The Dark Knight Rises haters a few weeks back concerning the negative feedback about her Catwoman outfit, which was revealed online by Warner Bros. Her response: “What I am happy to say is, if you didn’t like the photo, you only see about a 10th of what that suit can do, and if you did like the photo, you have excellent taste.” Now comes these leaked set images of her wearing the same leather-laced outfit, except with two add-ons: a face mask and cat ears. Yes, cat ears! Like we said, Anne Hathaway lives up to her disappointing promise.
There’s also some other shots of Selina Kyle politicing with Batman (Christian Bale) and Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman) on the streets of Gotham, for what is rumored to be a set up shot before a huge Tumbler chase scene. Check out more shots below and get a peak of the full gallery over at Splash News.