Looks like someone took a peak at Christopher and Jonathan Nolan’s “Batman 3” script notes. An inside source tells CMB the third Bat film will introduce the feisty Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman:
According to this guy, these script notes made a few references to Selina Kyle as a character. Kyle, as every Bat fan knows, becomes Catwoman. So if this is true, expect to see her don the leathers, as its unlikely Nolan would bring in Kyle but not her villainous alter ego, this being his last Bat movie.
Another source claims “Inception” stars Leonardo Dicaprio, Joseph Gordon- Levitt and Tom Hardy are all frontrunners to play the Riddler. That’s some hard competition to choose from considering all three did an incredible job in Nolan’s summer blockbuster. Gordon-Levitt seems like the best suit, but who’s the best fit to don the leather cat suit?
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