5 Ways The Wachowskis Can Salvage Jupiter Ascending

evolveteam August 11, 2014 1
Jupiter Ascending Marketing

Start a Guerilla Marketing Campaign

Given that the film is set to premiere just before Valentine’s Day, it would only be smart for the marketing team to focus efforts on the romance-aspect of the space opera, while going straight guerilla on every other aspect of the film. Both Kunis and Tatum are no strangers to the romantic comedy genre, so selling the chemistry between the two stars on and off-screen should be ridiculously easy. Revamping some of the new trailers to push it more as a sci-fi romancer to attract an audience of young lovers is marketing gold. Releasing a second series of action-packed previews will also appease the movies-for-guys-who-like-movies crowd. Get some corporate sponsors involved and we’re looking at a guaranteed $50 million opening.