8 Reasons Why Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Won’t Disappoint Us

evolveteam June 30, 2014 0
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Cast

Respectable Cast

A film is just as good as its stars. Director Matt Reeves went on to cast a handful of great and well-seasoned actors: including, but not limited to Gary Oldman, Keri Russell, Jason Clarke, Judy Greer, and the always animated, Andy Serkis. The group certainly adds more credibility to the sequel. Not only is Oldman incredible in whatever role he portrays, but his history of playing sinister characters makes him a great threat to Ceasar as the “anti-ape” leader of the human race as well. Though we can all agree, especially after watching the last film, that the motion-captured talents of Serkis and the newly cast Greer will carry the acting load here.