WWE 2K14 Review

evolveteam November 4, 2013 1
WWE 2K14 Roster

Massive Roster

Any game that can squeeze in the majority of the current WWE roster, along with a variety of legends and additional characters via DLC ranks high on any wrestling game list. Besides featuring regulars like CM Punk, The Rock, and John Cena, players have the luxury of unlocking former WWE staples such as Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, Razor Ramon, and our favorite, Chris Jericho. Future DLC packs promise more personalities later in the year, as well as next year.

WWE 2K14 Graphics

So-So Graphics

Considering the amazing work its done with the NBA 2K series, pretty disappointing to see the weak graphics presentation on WWE 2K14. Character representation needs major work with popular acts like Ryback and Kong Kong Bundy suffering from unperfected facial designs. It’s obvious certain characters were rushed on the design tip.

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