2012 Holiday Gift Guide: 10 Awesome Tech Stocking Stuffers

evolveteam December 21, 2012 0
2012 Holiday Gift Guide Sphero Robotic Ball

Sphero Robotic Ball

Price: $130
Possibly one of the coolest items in recent geekdom, the robotic ball can be operated through your mobile and is only limited by the apps you can download for it. One program makes it follow wherever your device directs it. Another turns it into a golf ball and transforms your phone into a club. The possibilities are limitless. Besides, it’s the only non-Apple gadget we’ve seen President Obama rock out with over the past year.

2012 Holiday Gift Guide Apple iPod Touch 5

iPod Touch 5

Price: $300 (32GB) and $400 (64GB)
The greatest media player of all time gets another upgrade and bears a number of resemblances to its smartphone counterpart: the iPhone 5. Now supporting Apple’s latest software update, iOS 6, users can take full advantage of wi-fi synching, 1080p video, and improved front and rear cameras. All packed in a thinner frame. Can’t forget the gorgeous 4-inch Retina Display.

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