Since its official unveiling back in September, the Apple Watch has remained on every iFiends wish list, even though the device isn’t scheduled for launch till 2015. With the company releasing its new software-building tool for the smartwatch dubbed WatchKit, one iOS developer claims to have found a flaw in the operating system’s design. The anonymous developer told Business Insider that the Apple Watch is dependent on the iPhone running every application, with the timekeeper doubling as an extra display.
“The watch and the phone are constantly talking. The code actually sits on your phone. Only the [user interface] elements are on the watch… It’s interesting how little the watch does; it seems that it literally does nothing except [user interface] work…This will present dev problems. This can be overcome, but sharing app state and data will be tricky…”
Yea, that doesn’t sound so good, especially when considering the expensive price tag that comes along with the Apple Watch.