Instagram Update Allows Caption Edits And More

Linda Tell November 11, 2014 0

We all know the trials and tribulations of an avid Instagrammer. You upload a photo, only to find that you’ve made a spelling error in your caption. Now you must choose one of two options: comment a second time with the correction, or delete the post entirely and start the editing process from scratch. It’s a major #firstworldpain.

But good news has hit the InstaWorld; the app has recently released an update that now allows users to edit captions and locations, even after posting. Finally.

This update also features changes to the app’s explore tab, now allowing users to search for pictures and people separately. Instagram developers hope that this new search feature will help users find and follow others more easily.

Of course, we’ve been waiting for these changes for a while now. Still, we’re psyched. After all, better late than never.