Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is finally getting some new DLC for release on Playstation Network and PC. This new DLC pack labeled Havoc is going to come with four brand new multiplayer maps, some brand new weapons, and tech for players to us in game, as well as some new exopowered zombies to use as an army. And now finally it has a launch date on the Playstation Network and PC systems after hitting the Xbox market last month.
As of recently Sledgehammer and Activision have come together to announce a definite date for release being the 26th of this month, which means by the end of the month every player will get a chance to use these new and improved updates to the game. For those who wish to see these changes there is a video in this article on them, overall though it seems like Activision and Sledgehammer went out of their way this time to add some truly amazing things to this game.