Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron is set for release on May 1, 2015, and the anticipating trailer (to be revealed at Comic-Con) has left many wondering what the sequel has in store for fans. The film is again written by Joss Whedon, and with Entertainment Weekly’s recent set visit, we’re finally getting some juicy tidbits on the sequel.
Tony Stark “gave birth” to Ultron while creating a team of drones to help with the Avenger’s workload; Ultron was meant to be the Captain of the Iron Legion, the planetary police force. However, some of Stark’s own personality crept into Ultron, and the droid “inherited” the negative, cynical side of Stark. Chris Hemsworth (Thor) has referred to Ultron as Stark’s “bad son.” The scene describes the team’s first battle with Ultron, which takes place at a party at the Avenger’s HQ:
“Stark sees the soiree as a chance for the Avengers to schmooze with the city’s powerbrokers in a post-S.H.I.E.L.D. environment, showing that they are not merely superpowered vigilantes. Half-filled glasses of wine, bottles of beer, and partially eaten plates of sushi and cookies litter the tables in this three-story marble and steel structure, constructed entirely within the soundstage—complete with a loading dock for the Quinjet and an upstairs laboratory for Stark and Banner (Mark Ruffalo) to blind themselves with science. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has put aside the cape and chest plate for a t-shirt and slacks, while Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow has swapped her leathery catsuit for an empire-waist cocktail dress with a billowing skirt — which helps hide the actress’s real-life pregnancy. Banner looks a little uptight in his purple button-down and tweedy jacket, while Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye is in wallflower mode, lingering on the periphery by himself, ever the loner. Chris Evans’ Captain America is making small talk with former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders). Most of the partygoers have left; now it’s just the old friends lingering.”
So, we know that Ultron strikes against the Avengers with the Legionaries, and during the fight, he tells them, “There is only one path to peace…your extermination”. Kind of an ominous statement to hold us over until the trailer comes out in October!
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