When it comes to Apple’s major events, fans are always restricted to live blogs in order to get the skinny on its latest product announcements. The Cupertino Clan has a few major surprises planned that will coincide with the iPhone 6 unveiling, and it plans on sharing the news with its consumer base by live-streaming the event. The company just launched a countdown page for the media event, making the countdown official.
Those looking to watch the festivities can do so by visiting the Apple website on September 9 at 1 p.m. EDT/10 a.m. PFT. All viewers will be required to watch the stream from the Safari Web browser and on OS X 10.6.8 (or higher) or iOS 6.0 (or higher). Apple TV owners must be running on the software 5.0.2 (or later) update to watch as well.
The launch page doesn’t unveil any news regarding announcements. So like every major spectacle Apple puts on, we’ll just have to wait. Though we’ve recently heard that a new version of the iPad Air could be on the way. Didn’t hear it from us.
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