5 Geek Pride Day Events To Celebrate This Weekend in NYC

evolveteam May 22, 2014 0
Geek Pride Day 2014
Words by Ian Freeman

What once was just a group of outsiders playing Dungeons & Dragons, talking video games, and arguing over which Star Trek captain was the best has blown into a full movement that’s been embraced by a large community. It’s through the popularity of geek culture that’s led to the annual Geek Pride Day, a holiday designated for comic book, entertainment, gaming, and toy buffs to let their geek flag fly. This year will see a number of events taking place on May 25th in New York City, but you want in the more popular ones, especially if the gameplan is to stay stuck in the Big Apple and engage in an endless number of Titanfall deathmatches. A beautiful weekend is ahead of us. So get off your ass and consider attending these 5 Geek Pride Days Events in NYC.

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