5 Characters We Want to See in the X-Force Movie

evolveteam July 30, 2013 1
X-23 X-Factor Movie Characters


With Wolverine probably not making an appearance (other than a possible cameo), here’s the perfect opportunity to give his clone an opportunity to take center stage. Blessed with most of the same gifts of her progeny, but with more blades and less self-control, X-23 could serve as an amazing on-screen addition. If they’re going with the dark, militant, new X-Force, it’s hard to see a better choice than the lasting legacy of the Weapon X program.

Honorable Mention



A personal favorite of ours has and always been the genetically grown, ex-gladiator, Mojoworld ex-patriot: Shatterstar. Rumored to be the son of Longshot and Dazzler, not many characters in the Marvel Universe exude the same cool factor as the honorable mutant whose attitude, moral code, and all-white garb reminds you of a medieval paladin. Dude is gifted with a number of superpower capabilities including superhuman strength, agility, intelligence, self-healing, and the mutant ability to control (and channel) energy created by his body. Not to mention he can shift around his organs to avoid damage. Shatterstar is the perfect warrior.

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