We all know that it isn’t a stretch to imagine a game with multiplayer in 2015. All games have some form of multiplayer but not all games are alike. Some have co-op, some have standard death-match multiplayer, some have non-linear co-op multiplayer and so-on-and-so-forth. Well, like the past two years, Mass Effect 4 will feature some sort of variation on multiplayer.
Bioware recently listed some job openings for a senior producer who is used to working with multiplayer components in games. Senior Development Director Chris Wynn went as far as to tweet “Things are getting real now and I need an excellent Producer to come shape online for the next Mass Effect.”
Knowing Bioware’s history and development methods, Mass Effect 4 won’t be anything like their current massive success, Dragon Age: Inquisition. Bioware rarely shares assets between games and often tries to wow their audience by introducing new mechanics in every game they develop so look for Mass Effect 4 to have a different multiplayer feel than Dragon Age.
Who knows, maybe we will see co-op campaigns or even a ghost multiplayer system like that of The Division?
Whatever Bioware decides on, stay tuned for more news as we approach E3 where all of our questions will probably be answered!