Ever since Michael B. Jordan was cast as Johnny Storm/The Human Torch in Josh Trank’s reboot of Fantastic Four, controversy and skepticism were abundant and abound because or Jordan’s ethnicity and the fact that Johnny Storm has been depicted as Caucasian. Trank and Jordan have previously collaborated on the sci-fi thriller Chronicle, so maybe that influenced Trank to cast Jordan, but still there are skeptics even though the film is a few weeks away from release. Count one person apart from the skeptics though: Stan Lee.
It was more than okay, I thought it was a great idea! They’re outraged not because of any personal prejudice. They’re outraged because they hate to see any change made on a series and characters they had gotten familiar with. In Spider-Man, when they got a new actor, that bothered them, even though it was a white actor. I don’t think it had to do with racial prejudice as much as they don’t like things changed.
But I think they’re gonna get to love this character. So I’m not the least bit worried about it. I always tried to pepper these groups with as much racial diversity as possible because that’s the way the world is.
There we have it. If Stan”The Man” Lee likes Jordan as The Human Torch, who are we to dispute his view? Jordan is a great young actor and the world can’t wait to see him Flame On!