When it comes to purchasing a new smartphone, consumers seek a variety of facets such as premium design, high-tech features, and lastly, excellent performance. Little do the majority know, it’s what lies under the hood that pushes their mobile to new extremes and delivers stellar benchmarks. And if you’ve brought an HTC One, LG Optimus G Pro, or Samsung Galaxy S4 over the past two months, and find the execution to be flawless—thank Qualcomm and its latest Snapdragon processor.
Looking to push the boundaries on mobile processing, the company is surprisingly making strides in several other areas including the audio and home entertainment sectors. During our E3 Qualcomm booth visit, Senior Director of Marketing, Michelle Leyden Li spoke about the magic behind the Snapdragon 800 processor, plus its CPU presence in new tech solutions for 4K UDH viewing, Dolby Digital 7.1 Audio, and much more. See why your next multimedia device should be Qualcomm-powered.
Related: Exclusive Guillermo del Toro Introduces Pacific Rim at Qualcomm E3 Booth
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