A Dummies Guide To Buying A Laptop

evolveteam July 22, 2014 0
laptop sizes

Do you even lift? (Size)

Ask yourself a question: How much will my laptop be traveling with me? This will help you with selecting the right screen size for your laptop computer. Here are your choices:

11/12” (ultraportable): There really are laptops this small, and some laptop/tablet hybrids. The trade-off for their travel-friendliness is function, because there just won’t be as much room to put the good stuff into these things.

13”: Small enough to carry around multiple days a week, but just large enough to be comfortable to work on all day long.

14/15/16” (midsize): This is the traditional laptop size. Basically, they are fairly mobile, but you may not have as easy of a time carrying them around every single day. However, these computers are the ones that pack the punch in terms of specifications. They cover the widest ground in terms of pricing and features.

17+” (desktop replacement): These are the machines with real power. They carry high-end graphics cards and CPUs, pretty much replacing your desktop/monitor/keyboard combination with a single device that can still be moved when necessary. There are actually all-in-one desktops, and a few of those have detachable screens that are sort of like giant tablets. Perfect for movie watching and gaming.