2012 Holiday Gift Guide: The 5 Best Arcade Sticks

evolveteam December 20, 2012 4
2012 Holiday Gift Guide X-Arcade Tankstick + Trackball

X-Arcade Tankstick + Trackball

Price: $200
Compatible platforms: PS3, PS2, PC, Wii U, and Xbox 360/ with adapters
Believe it when we say you’ve never seen an arcade stick of this caliber. The X-Arcade Tankstick + Trackball doesn’t only come with TWO joysticks, but more buttons than the standard fighting stick, along with a trackball. The control layout goes as follows: eight buttons to the right of each joystick, two additional south of those, a trackball in the middle, pinball buttons on the sides, a trackball lock button on the back, and 1P and 2P start buttons. Can you say Monster?

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