Steve Ballmer »

Tech CEOs and Their Douchiest Moments

Tech CEOs and Their Douchiest Moments

evolveteam August 11, 2014 1

Silicon Valley's biggest names

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Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer Retiring in 12 Months

Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer Retiring in 12 Months

evolveteam August 23, 2013 0

The Monkey Dance will forever live on!

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Microsoft Announce Music Service For Xbox 360

Microsoft Announce Music Service For Xbox 360

evolveteam July 15, 2011 0

Microsoft welcomes its new music service for the Xbox

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Will We See That Windows 7 Tablet in 2010?

evolveteam July 13, 2010 1

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced at the World Partner Conference that Windows 7 slate devices will indeed be coming at the end of 2010. “We know you really want to know what’s coming…They [the

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