Its 2015. The year after 2014. Trivial as that may be, 2014 is a very important year. It may have been the worst year for video games ever. 2015, a little more promising.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, developed by CD Projekt Red, is quite fabled at this point. Earning more 10’s than most games ever see, since The Witcher 2, nothing has been more anticipated and CD Projekt Red delivered. Only a few people cried out in dispair as the game launched. Only a few people with technical issues and CD Projekt Red as quick to fix it. Overall, one of the smoothest launches a game has seen as of late. You know why? It is because CD Projekt Red cares. They actually care about their games and their fans.
So as The Witcher 3 launched, it was met with wonderous praise not only for its smooth launch but because the game is so masterful. So congrats to you CD Projekt Red on yet another success. We hope your future of video game making only gets better than this.
If you didn’t see, POTUS Barrack Obama even tweeted about the Witcher saying that “…my collectors edition will arrive soon.”
Obama isn’t the only head of state talking about it though; the Polish prime minster tweeted saying “GG – you have done us proud” to CD Projekt Red.
Thank you CD Projekt Red, thank you.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is now available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.