Over the weekend at the Visual Effects Society Awards in California, animation supervisor for the third Transformers film, Scott Benza, mentioned that Autobots Optimus Prime and Bumblebee will be receiving facelifts to enhance their roles in the film. Quoted from SCI FI Wire, Benza says, “Our two lead characters, Optimus and Bumblebee, needed to be updated for the next chapter in the ‘Transformers’ series…Bumblebee’s matured a little bit, so I would just say look for subtle changes to his physique that have him look more mature.” Optimus on the other hand is suppose to look much more intimidating and badass amongst his platoon. Optimus and Bumblebee’s makeovers should be seen sometime near the end of the year in teaser trailers and posters, with their full onscreen appearance scheduled for July 1, 2011.