After weeks of impatient waiting, Respawn Entertainment has finally unveiled the official launch date for the Titanfall Expedition DLC: May 15th. The downloadable content will feature three new maps—Runoff, Swampland, and War Games—all of which will be made available to Xbox One and PC gamers tomorrow. Titanfall Season Pass holders will have immediate access to the pack for free, where as everyone else must cough up $10 to download it. Xbox 360 players will have to wait it out till June.
The developers are also in the process of rolling out a new update for the Xbox One and PC. It’s set to offer a number of new features, balance tweaks, and bug fixes including Custom Loadout Names, FPS unlocker for PC players, Private Match improvements, and more.
Respawn’s already gone on record stating it will start pumping out more updates frequently, with Game Director Steve Fukuda addressing the topic in a previous blog post:
“Our plans for supporting Titanfall are simple. We’ll keep you better informed between updates and we’ll deliver free updates to you on a regular basis. We are constantly tweaking our support plans in response to your feedback, and although we cannot promise everything requested will go through, we are listening.”
Let the mayhem commence!!!
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