The Enterprise Find New Storyline and Villains

evolveteam January 25, 2010 0

A panel screening of Star Trek at the WGA theater on January 20th brought sequel scribers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman out and about, and the writing duo splurged some details on the anticipated follow-up. For starters, they discussed the film will not be a rehash of The Wrath of Khan: “We would never do a remake….it will be some time in the five-year mission,…But that is a question. Should we pick them up immediately the next day or should it be later, we are still discussing that.”

Second, as far as villains go, Kurtzman claims the baddie will play a vital role in the sequel: “I think sequels are very much about the villain. Because while [in the first one] the villain serves to bring the crew together, the second one I think has to be a true challenging of what that family is about.” Some news is better than one.

Paramount aims for a June 29, 2012 release.