The launch of Windows 8 has introduced the consumer market to some phenomenal devices: including the Windows Phone 8 lineup and dope all-in-one PCs. But of all the Windows-operated machines hitting retailers this holiday season, none have garnered more exposure (and interest) than the platform’s laptop/tablet hybrids. Microsoft worked closely with the industry’s best computer and tablet manufacturers to present a new breed of portable powerhouses—convertibles that offer the best of both tech worlds, while serving as two independent products.
By now you’ve heard everyone from Asus to Samsung has jumped on the trend, announcing product lines in preparation of flooding the market with its crossbred offerings. So narrowing down the selection heading into Black Friday or Christmas will be a frustrating task. And speaking from a hands-on perspective, it’s we can guarantee that only a handful of devices will live up to the value. Which ones? Well, we advise you look over the 5 Best Windows 8 Tablet Convertibles For Holiday 2012 and be the judge.
Related: 5 Awesome Windows Phone 8 Features You’ll Love
Related: Nokia Lumia 920 Windows 8 Phone Preview (Video)
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