Kratos last adventure didn’t win over many PS3 owners and walked away with good to mediocre reviews at the end of the day. The team over at Sony Santa Monica is looking to make up for it by releasing a new Ascension co-op weapons DLC pack for download starting today. The developer’s gone on to integrate more co-op features that allows gamers to use these weapons to perform more than 10 different co-op moves. Sony also launched this new video for your viewing pleasure, which has Santa Monica Studios providing a brief instruction on to perform these killer moves. We break it down for you below the video as well.
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– Equip one of the four co-op weapons
– Enter any Multiplayer Mode
– Engage your L1 Triangle or L1 Square special attacks
– Wait for the Green Halo to appear over your champion’s head when setting up a special attack execution
– Have a teammate grab you when the Green Halo appears onscreen and execute the attack