X-Men: First Class star Michael Fassbender has been climbing up Hollywood’s Most Wanted Actors list ever since receiving critical praise for his role in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Basterds. And with MGM finally putting the directing pieces together for its planned Robocop reboot, new helmer José Padilha has the actor targeted for the main lead. At least, that’s what he hopes for. During an interview in Brazil, which was translated in Portuguese by Bleeding Cool, Padilha mentions how he’d love the opportunity to have a sit down with Fassbender about the project: “I’d like to talk to him—I’ll talk to him…There’s a possibility… and there’s a lot of other great actors that would play RoboCop.” Now keep in mind this is just mere speculation at the moment. So with no real casting or release date, the 1980s action remake is still in development limbo.