At the Avatar premiere, director of the first two X-Men features, Bryan Singer confirmed he will be directing the spinoff First Class:
After mentioning his next film, Jack the Giant Killer, Singer then let loose the big news, saying, “I just yesterday signed a deal to do an X-Men: First Class origins picture, which is kind of cool. I’m very excited.”
Singer’s statement confirms First Class is an origin film, though it’s not clear yet what characters will be included and how closely it will adhere to the continuity of the previous X-Men films, in which Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm and Beast (the latter going by info from The Last Stand) were among Charles Xavier’s earliest students – while characters like Iceman and Angel (who were original members in the comics) joined later.
Can the Wolverine-less film do better than the critically banned Origins film? Hmmm…Bryan Singer…Yea!