It was in Apple’s best interest to keep its personal assistant software, Siri, exclusive to the iPhone 4S. But that wasn’t stopping hackers from trying to enable the feature onto previous generation iDevices. Enter Siri0us: an application that enables the voice-recognition program to take dictation on the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod Touch. You ask how this is done? Developer Eric Day claims he discovered a tweak to gain access to the iPhone 4S’ system files, which allows for “Siri dictation for your iOS 5 devices. No iPhone 4S keys/files required.” Sweet. It’s definitely worth nothing that Siri0us doesn’t support functionality to set alarms, reminders, or check weather forecasts. And the app isn’t compatible with the iPad as well, for now that is. Those interested in downloading the Siri knockoff can add the tweak to their iPhone 4, 3GS, or iPod Toch by clicking here. Shout out to iPhoneHelp for the report and Siri0us video demo, which you can view below.