New gameplay footage for Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain has new been revealed, and much to the enjoyment of the hosts in this clip, we can see Snake is now using a highly tactical cardboard box to up his stealth game. While it’s probably not possible to keep from laughing while watching this short video, one can’t help but notice how smooth this game runs. It almost makes cardboard boxes seem like a legitimate hiding place. Almost.
There’s also an image floating around the Internet that compares the map sizes of every Metal Gear game to date, and it shows Phantom Pain is going to be the biggest. Kojima has told us already that about half of the game will take place in Afghanistan, but they are leaving us in the dark for now about the other half. Konami will most likely share the info at E3 2014.
Related: Kojima Says New MGS 5: Phantom Pain Trailer Will Be “Tough to Watch”
Related: “MGS V: Ground Zeroes” Save File to Effect “Phantom Pain” Game