The brains behind the Metal Gear Solid franchise, Hideo Kojima, has apparently expressed interest in creating an open-world remake of the original classic. Kojima spoke with Famitsu at the Taipei Game Show and claimed he would like to see more than original PS2 Snake on a next-gen console, which is implied to be the Snake DLC for Ground Zeroes.
Kojima’s previously suggested that he wants to see earlier games on newer consoles, though mentioned that The Phantom Pain has kept him busy, therefore limiting him to work on other projects. He’s also mentioned that no one has approached him about making a remake, though he would love to play an open-world Shadow Moses. Wouldn’t we all.
The gaming community still anticipated an official release date for the next Metal Gear Solid V installment, which is rumored to launch sometime this year. Until then, Kojima continues to humor us with his virtual fantasies.